What do you know about making joint child custody work?

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2021 | Child Custody |

As part of your divorce settlement, you received joint custody of your shared child. This presents unfamiliar territory, and you may feel uncertain of how to proceed.

To help, see what Parents suggests for making the most of sharing time with your daughter or son. Learn how divorce does not have to strain your relationship with your shared child.

Keep the focus on your child

When communicating with the other parent, arranging pickups and drop-offs and tending to other custody details, keep your child’s well-being in the forefront of your mind. You may harbor hard feelings toward your ex, but do not let them keep you from doing the right thing for your child.

Speak around ill will toward your ex

Speaking of hard feelings, do not badmouth your former partner where your child may overhear you. Should your son or daughter catch what you say, he or she may develop a warped sense of self or think you feel the same way about her or him. Find another way to express your feelings without accidentally harming your child.

Be honest about your capabilities and schedule

As you figure out when you may spend time with your child, remain realistic with scheduling. Your work schedule or personal commitments may prevent you from spending as much time as you like with your son or daughter. Do not make promises you cannot keep, as doing so may disappoint your loved one.

Learn how to communicate with your ex

Maybe you do not have a good post-divorce relationship with your former partner. If not, devise an effective way to communicate that honors your boundaries. Use technology to your benefit.

The right insights help solidify your connection with your shared child after divorce. Learn how to master joint child custody on your terms.




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