How cell phones can help co-parents keep their peace

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2020 | Child Custody |

Addressing child-related needs as co-parents can be a tough balancing act when you no longer share a family home. But modern technology in the form of parenting and scheduling apps, can help you and your ex-spouse bypass a lot of drama.

One of the best things you can do as a co-parent is be a few steps ahead of these potential argument-causing issues. Thankfully, you can use mobile apps to keep your family organized and calmly carry out conversations.

No excuses

Co-parenting apps can help you create structure for your children as they live in two homes and can create expectations about how to handle joint responsibilities. Some common functions of co-parenting apps include:

  • Creating family schedules
  • Managing child custody payments
  • Sharing a joint parenting journal
  • Organizing child-related documents

Having a place for everything that relates to your children can naturally create more peace between you and your ex-spouse. For example, say you use an app to keep your child’s medical, educational and governmental information and documents in line. And your ex-spouse is in charge of scheduling all of your children’s doctor appointments, while you take care of school registration. In this case, neither of you can blame the other for not being able to locate documents needed to carry out your individual duties.

Polite interactions

If an issue does arise, like one child’s dental bills goes missing, and you and your ex begin to play the blame game, there are apps that can prevent your conversation from going from bad to worse. In fact, CoParenter uses artificial intelligence (AI) to flag messages that contain unkind words or phrases. Plus, the AI technology pulls up information you’ve already programmed into it to help co-parents see if a schedule change request or appointment can fit into the pre-existing schedule.

Essentially, if you carry out all child-related communication through designated apps, then you and your ex will be less likely to send nasty emails or texts back and forth.








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