The holiday season is often wrought with stress and anxiety for many families. When there has been a divorce and child custody is an issue, New Jersey families may find that the holidays bring extra stress. Hopefully, the following tips can help families proactively deal with the changes divorce brings to the holidays and resolve potential conflicts before they occur.
One thing to remember is that each parent wants quality time with his or her children. Extended family members are also likely to be expecting the same amount of quality time to which they are accustomed. When kids are around, it is important for parents and extended family members to refrain from speaking negatively of the other parent or inadvertently involving children in parenting disputes. Keeping things civil between co-parents and exhibiting the art of compromise may be wise for all involved.
One other tip for divorced parents during the holidays is to not make the holidays a competition. Coordinating who will buy what and not going overboard in an effort to compensate for the divorce may be advised. This can mean that parents need to sit down and even outline a gift-giving plan together.
When it comes to child custody issues during the holidays, parents may find they have no choice but to work together. Having a solid parenting plan to which one can refer can be a good place to start and can help parents avoid conflict. If conflicts still arrive for New Jersey families, revisiting a parenting plan or enlisting the help of legal professionals may be necessary.
Source:, “5 Tips for Managing Parenting Time During the Holidays“, Joseph E. Cordell, Nov. 12, 2014